Di Balik 98 : Keluarga, Romansa, dan Reformasi
Penulis: Muhamad Ilham Muzakir
Judul film : di balik 98
Sultardara : Lukman Sardi
Penulis : Ifan Adriansyah Ismail dan Syamsul Hadi
Produser : Affandi Abdul Rachman
Tanggal rilis : 15 Januari 2015
Durasi : 101 menit
negara asal film : indonesia
Genre : drama
Berlatar belakang pada tahun 1998 film ini di awali dengan demonstrasi yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dengan tuntutan ingin memakzulkan presiden Soeharto yang selama 32 tahun menjabat dan telah memperpanjang masa jabatannya, telah dianggap tidak mampu mengatasi krisis yang melanda negara kala itu.
Film ini bercerita tentang sosok Diana (Chelsea Islan) dan kekasihnya Daniel (Boy William) yang merupakan mahasiswa Trisakti dan sama–sama aktif dalam dunia pergerakan namun, keduanya memiliki latar belakang keluarga yang berbada.
Ibu Kota Dalam Hiruk-Pikuknya
Ketika Aksi protes yang kian masif serta kekacauan dan huru-hara yang terjadi dimana–mana, Soeharto yang kala itu menjabat sebagai presiden memutuskan untuk terbang menghadiri Konferensi tingkat tinggi (KTT) di Kairo. Pada saat demonstrasi era orde baru mahasiswa kerap mendapatkan represifitas, ditangkap oleh aparat dan bahkan beberapa diantara mahasiswa trisakti tewas diberondong peluru.
Pada film ini juga penonton diperlihatkan pada huru-hara yang terjadi di ibu kota. Banyak warga yang menjarah toko–toko. Pada kekacauan ini keluarga Daniel tak luput dari sasaran kemarahan warga yang mengakibatkan Daniel kehilangan keluarganya, dan disisi lain keluarga Diana yakni kakaknya Salma yang tengah hamil sedang beraktivitas di kota dan tak bisa menghindar dari kerusuhan ini, semantara kakak ipar Diana tak bisa banyak berbuat apa–apa sebab, dia tidak bisa menolak panggilan untuk bertugas sebagai seorang tentara.
Pada tanggal 18 mei 1998, 70 perwakilan dari Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) seluruh Jakarta di terima di gedung DPR/MPR untuk menyampaikan aspirasinya dan memaksa bertemu dengan Harmoko yang kala itu menjabat sebagai ketua Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR) untuk mendesak Soeharto agar lengser dari kursi kepresidenan dengan desakan kemarahan mahasiswa akhirnya berhasil membuat Harmoko untuk menyarankan kepada soeharto agar memundurkan diri dari jabatanya sebagai Presiden
Gerakan rakyat yang sudah tak bisa lagi di bendung dan kerusuhan terjadi dimana – mana pada akhirnya membuat presiden yang telah berkuasa selama 32 tahun harus lengser ke Prabon dan digantikan oleh B. J. Habibie sebagai presiden yang mewarisi dan wajib menyelesaikan permasalahan – permasalahan yang ada setelah lengsernya Soeharto.
Genangan di bulan Mei
Peristiwa 98 mungkin masih terpatri pada setiap ingatan masyarakat Indonesia mungkin sebagian pada orang yang pernah berada di tengah–tengah kerusuhan atau menjadi korban dalam tragedi yang menyeramkan itu. Mungkin setiap orang bertanya–tanya tentang mengapa peristiwa ini bisa terjadi dan siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas insiden itu, terlebih lagi dengan tewasnya beberapa mahasiswa akibat peluruh tajam yang sampai hari masih jadi misteri tentang siapa penembaknya namun, pastinya semua orang tahu siapa yang punya akses pada senjata.
Dibeberapa adegan dalam film penonton juga di perlihatkan dengan kehidupan seorang ayah bersama anaknya yang menjalani hidupnya sebagai pemulung di tengah- tengah krisis dan huru-hara yang terjadi.
Tewasnya empat mahasiswa trisakti masih terus membekas pada ingatan dan setiap 12 mei mahasiswa Trisakti masih terus menggelar aksi untuk memperingati tragedi itu.
Meninjau Tentang Mereka
Pendokumentasian film yang membahas tentang tragedi 1998 masih sangat jarang padahal reformasi merupakan awal dari secuil demokrasi yang dirasakan sekarang, terlebih lagi dibalik 98 merupakan film yang sangat singkat untuk membahas tentang apa yang sebenarnya betul–betul terjadi kala itu dan dibalik 98 juga terlalu menyoroti drama kehidupan seorang Diana, karakter Soeharto dalam film ini juga digambarkan sebagai orang tua yang lemah dan bingung untuk bersikap dan Agus Kuncoro yang memerankan sosok B.J Habibie dirasa terlalu dipaksakan saat memerankan wakil presiden.
Setiap kemenangan yang diperoleh dengan jalan yang panjang pastinya diakhiri dengan sorakan kegembiraan, sebuah gerakan yang berangkat dari keresahan dan mampu melahirkan sebuah perubahan pastilah tak lepas dari banyak pengorbanan.
Terkadang muncul pertanyaan bagaimana jika krisis ekonomi tidak pernah melanda indonesia, apakah mungkin ada hal lain yang bisa menjadi alasan dari kemarahan warga dan mungkin saja reformasi tidak pernah terjadi.
Mencoba untuk merefleksikan, apakah reformasi yang dirasakan sekarang sudah menjadi apa yang dituntut dan dicita-citakan oleh para demostran yang telah meruntuhkan orde baru misalnya salah satu tuntutanya tentang pemberantasan Kolusi Korupsi dan Nepotisme (KKN), apakah sekarang sudah tak ada lagi praktik semacam itu, malahan praktek KKN sudah menjalar parah sampai diseluk-beluk desa, silakan bisa dijawab sendiri, ataukah permasalahan yang sekarang sudah jauh berbeda dengan pada saat orde baru dan rakyat tidak perlu lagi menempuh jalur–jalur yang sama seperti dibalik 98.
mungkinkah sekarang perlu perubahan yang lebih gradual yang lebih dari sekedar kata reformasi, mungkin alasan yang sangat kuat untuk itu belum ada ataukah banyaknya teknokrat di negeri ini dapat membuat ilusi bahwa kita harus bergerak ketika kebijakan itu menggangu pola hidup kita dan tak perlu banyak memcampuri urusan orang-orang di seberang jalan sana..
Film dibalik 98 kerap kali mengudang gelak tawa penonton sebab di beberapa adegan yang seharusnya menjadi dialog yang serius malah menjadi lucu dan kurangnya pendalaman karakter masing masing tokoh, saya merekomendasikan film ini bukan sebagai referensi documenter untuk tragedi 1998 sebab dalam wawancara di salah acara TV swasta Lukman Sardi selaku sutradara dalam film ini mengatakan “ film ini tentang drama keluarga, kemanusiaan, serta percintaan tapi dengan latar belakang peristiwa mei 98” jadi dibalik 98 bukanlah film sejarah namun hanya sebatas film drama yang berlatar belakang pada tahun 1998.
Redaktur: M. Idham Tahir
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Hello Team,
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Belgium, VWV, Ledegem, 8880, Schietboompleinstraat 27
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Kind regards
Junior Outreach Assistant
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Kind regards
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Italy, ME, Messina, 98100, Via San Domenico Soriano 115
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Hi cakrawalaide.com Admin
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Best regards
Germany, BY, Eckental, 90542, Mellingburgredder 43
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Belgium, VLI, Herk-De-Stad, 3540, Place Leopold 415
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Italy, RI, Santa Croce Di Cittareale, 2010, Via Goffredo Mameli 117
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Best regards
Poland, NA, Rzeszow, 35-504, Ul. Ustrzycka 143
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Netherlands, ZH, Den Haag, 2552 Pl, Dag Hammerskjoldstraat 177
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Kind regards
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Best regards,
Australia, NSW, Castle Hill, 2154, 54 Woodlands Avenue
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United States, TX, Houston, 77032, 2164 Swick Hill Street
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Kind regards
Netherlands, NB, Heesch, 5384 Vs, Monseigneur Van Den Hurklaan 179
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Yours sincerely
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Kind regards
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Italy, TO, Garzigliana, 10060, Via Giberti 45
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Yours sincerely
Canada, ON, Sudbury, P3e 5k3, 1797 Barrydowne Road
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Yours sincerely
Switzerland, NA, Seedorf, 3267, Allmenruti 32
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Italy, LU, Mologno, 55050, Via Melisurgo 12
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Do you have a list of website updates that you want to deploy but hate having to pay the INSANE prices to get it done?
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Daniel Island, SC 29492
Curious about getting your ad seen by millions? I sent this message to your contact form, and here you are reading it! Visit my site below to find out more.
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186 Daniel Island Drive
Daniel Island, SC 29492
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Italy, LC, Vercurago, 23808, Piazza Pilastri 109
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Hey, want your ad to reach millions of contact forms? Just like you’re reading this message, others can read yours too. Visit my site below for details.
It is with sad regret that after 12 years, LeadsMax.biz is shutting down.
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Warm regards
United States, WI, Green Bay, 54301, 975 Lynch Street
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Hi there
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Yours truly
Netherlands, NH, Hoorn, 1621 Aw, West 102
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WANTED: Partnerships & Agents for Global E-commerce Firm
4U2 Inc., a premier E-commerce , Sourcing Brokerage firm, is actively seeking partnerships and collaboration with manufacturers and wholesalers for agricultural, commercial, and residential products. We offer a diverse marketplace for both new and used items, including vehicles and equipment.
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Best regards
Netherlands, ZH, Noorden, 2432 Ca, Veenweg 147
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Hi there
My name is Axy, and I am excited to introduce you to our comprehensive SEO services designed to boost your online visibility and drive more traffic to your website.
We understand that in today’s competitive digital landscape, having a well-optimized website is crucial for success.
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Thank you for your time, and we look forward to working with you to make your website stand out!
Poland, NA, Mikolow, 43-190, Ul. Elsnera Jozefa 149
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Good day
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Kind regards
Austria, BURGENLAND, Haslhof, 4173, Karntner Strasse 64
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Kind regards
United States, CA, Antioch, 94509, 2402 Brown Street
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Introducing the ultimate solution to skyrocket your income effortlessly: our Copy and Paste System. Just set it up once, and watch as you gain unlimited buyer subscribers and recurring commissions without any additional effort.
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Austria, BURGENLAND, Spraid, 4963, Waldmuhlgasse 24
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Good day
Introducing the ultimate solution to skyrocket your income effortlessly: our Copy and Paste System. Just set it up once, and watch as you gain unlimited buyer subscribers and recurring commissions without any additional effort.
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Kind regards
Sweden, NA, Forserum, 570 22, Bottna Berghem 38
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Hi there
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Yours sincerely
Australia, NT, Larrakeyah, 820, 69 Marion St
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Introducing Instant Profit Pages Pro, your secret to generating daily passive profits in less than 20 minutes a day. Our user-friendly setup employs 100% free traffic methods and builds email lists on autopilot with impressive 50-80% lead conversions.
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Kind regards
France, PROVENCE-ALPES-COTE D’AZUR, Marseille, 13016, 6 Quai Des Belges
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Good day
Discover our time-tested system for generating passive affiliate commissions around the clock. Simply copy and paste our ready-made funnels, campaigns, and promotional pages to replicate our exact success formula.
Experience the benefits of a system designed for simplicity and efficiency. With minimal effort, you can start earning consistently without the guesswork or trial and error.
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Thank you
Sweden, NA, Vitaby, 270 59, Eggelstad 80
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Are you tired of spending endless hours creating content that just doesn’t convert? What if I told you there’s a way to turn your favorite YouTube videos into cash machines instantly?
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==> https://shorturl.at/fmPRV
France, BRETAGNE, Quimper, 29000, 88 Rue De Penthievre
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Hi there
Experience the ultimate solution for making commissions online using free buyer traffic, without any effort! This new method revolutionizes the way you earn, combining innovation and simplicity to deliver results.
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Best regards
Netherlands, ZH, Den Haag, 2596 Ab, Nassau Dillenburgstraat 177
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Unlock the potential of your Instagram and social media accounts with our powerful and user-friendly cloud-based app. Our software helps you bypass the one-link limitation of Instagram, allowing you to generate leads, sales, and grow your brand effortlessly.
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Click here to get started and see the results for yourself => https://shorturl.at/oaKvK
United States, MA, Boston, 2109, 1371 Aspen Court
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Unlock the secret to earning over $100 daily, starting right now.
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Yours sincerely
Great Britain, NA, Jerviswood, Ml11 2fs, 29 Newgate Street
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Discover the ultimate tool for list building and earning with our new Secret Funnel! This innovative method allows you to get paid for clicks and affiliate sales, revolutionizing the way you profit from paid traffic.
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Brazil, SP, Taboao Da Serra, 06787-645, Rua Joana Princesa De Jesus 1776
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Unlock the power of magic with Extreme Spells! Whether you’re seeking true love, financial success, or happiness, our experienced Circle of Eight, led by Master Sam Taylor and Psychic Master Lennox, is here to transform your life. Since 1993, we’ve been casting potent spells tailored to your unique needs, helping countless individuals achieve their dreams.
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Learn to earn consistent affiliate commissions without spending a dime upfront. Our new course teaches you how to leverage free tools and traffic to maximize your earnings. With exclusive resources not found in the original course, you’re set to start earning big commissions quickly.
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Yours truly
Great Britain, NA, Calke, De73 6an, 63 Copthorne Way
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I will right away grasp your rss feed as I can’t find your email subscription hyperlink or newsletter service. Do you have any? Kindly permit me realize in order that I may subscribe. Thanks.
Hello from LeadsMax.biz!!
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Introducing the ultimate solution to skyrocket your income effortlessly: our Copy and Paste System. Just set it up once, and watch as you gain unlimited buyer subscribers and recurring commissions without any additional effort.
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Best regards
Germany, BY, Osterhofen, 94486, Kirchenallee 91
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Thank you so much!
Hi there
Introducing the ultimate solution to skyrocket your income effortlessly: our Copy and Paste System. Just set it up once, and watch as you gain unlimited buyer subscribers and recurring commissions without any additional effort.
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Yours truly
Netherlands, UT, Zeist, 3703 Db, Tuin Van Schellinger 141
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Thanks for thr great article!
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Many Thanks,
Good day
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Switzerland, NA, St-Livres, 1176, Via Albarelle 132
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Introducing Instant Profit Pages Pro, your secret to generating daily passive profits in less than 20 minutes a day. Our user-friendly setup employs 100% free traffic methods and builds email lists on autopilot with impressive 50-80% lead conversions.
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Best regards
Great Britain, NA, Churchill, Bs19 4zd, 77 Lincoln Green Lane
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Discover our groundbreaking technology that creates self-updating, live Amazon and eBay deal sites that rank themselves on Google.
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Yours sincerely
Canada, ON, Toronto, M4w 1j7, 4513 Yonge Street
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Discover our time-tested system for generating passive affiliate commissions around the clock. Simply copy and paste our ready-made funnels, campaigns, and promotional pages to replicate our exact success formula.
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Poland, NA, Bielsko-Biala, 43-310, Ul. Bajki 132
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Are you tired of spending endless hours creating content that just doesn’t convert? What if I told you there’s a way to turn your favorite YouTube videos into cash machines instantly?
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Great Britain, NA, Aikers, Kw17 1yu, 88 Wartnaby Road
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Unlock the potential of your Instagram and social media accounts with our powerful and user-friendly cloud-based app. Our software helps you bypass the one-link limitation of Instagram, allowing you to generate leads, sales, and grow your brand effortlessly.
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Best regards
Australia, QLD, Adare, 4343, 53 Goebels Road
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Hi there
Experience the ultimate solution for making commissions online using free buyer traffic, without any effort! This new method revolutionizes the way you earn, combining innovation and simplicity to deliver results.
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Switzerland, NA, Les Clees, 1356, Studhaldenstrasse 2
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Yours sincerely
Netherlands, ZH, Alphen Aan Den Rijn, 2402 Wb, Tritonstraat 152
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Hi there
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Italy, BG, Bossico, 24060, Strada Provinciale 65 12
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Hi there
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Netherlands, GE, Nijmegen, 6512 Cg, Graafseweg 22
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Best regards
France, BRETAGNE, Concarneau, 29900, 37 Rue Victor Hugo
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Good day
Earn over 300$ per day with World’s First Video & Audio Email Marketing App
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Take the leap towards maximizing your income and transforming your marketing efforts today.
Best regards
Austria, BURGENLAND, St. Leonhard Am Forst, 3243, Schmiedsberg 80
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Yours truly
United States, CA, Pomona, 91766, 1311 Fairfax Drive
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Austria, BURGENLAND, Saisserach, 9220, Holzstrasse 20
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Warm regards
Sweden, NA, Aseda, 360 70, Idvagen 43
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Yours truly
France, CENTRE, Poissy, 78300, 34 Rue De La Boetie
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Best regards
France, NORD-PAS-DE-CALAIS, Lievin, 62800, 30 Chemin Challet
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Good day
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Best regards
Austria, UPPER AUSTRIA, Waldgattern, 4632, Krummnussbaum Dub 80
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Good day
Learn to earn consistent affiliate commissions without spending a dime upfront. Our new course teaches you how to leverage free tools and traffic to maximize your earnings. With exclusive resources not found in the original course, you’re set to start earning big commissions quickly.
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Austria, BURGENLAND, Pichling Bei Koflach, 8591, Volkermarkter Strasse 7
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Germany, BY, Bindlach, 95461, Ellmenreichstrasse 30
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Austria, TYROL, Margarethenbrucke, 9912, Fehringer Strasse 19
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Australia, NSW, Yaven Creek, 2729, 41 Bette Mcnee Street
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A million-dollar agency owner quit the traffic race and developed a game-changing software that delivers 3-5 client leads weekly—without headaches or hassles.
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Austria, BURGENLAND, Altenmarkt, 9345, Lindenstrasse 73
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Yours sincerely
United States, NC, Greenville, 27834, 1838 Fort Street
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Austria, BURGENLAND, Dorfl Bei Kasten, 3072, Herrenstrasse 78
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I noticed that you manage cakrawalaide.com, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility.
If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance.
Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site?
If so, simply reply to this email with “yes” and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
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Hi, if your business hasn’t submitted your claim for the $5.54 Billion Dollar Visa/Mastercard lawsuit settlement for charging customers excess fee’s between 2004 and 2019, you can submit your claim here before the deadline expires soon. Note: You MUST be a USA based business to be eligible. https://visasettlementclaims.org
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Australia, NSW, Dalgety, 2628, 81 Scenic Road
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Looking to improve your posture and live a healthier life? Our Medico Postura™ Body Posture Corrector is here to help!
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Hi, this is a friendly reminder it’s your last chance to file your claim for the ERC / Employee Retention Tax Credit. This is money set aside that’s owed to you by the US Government, which reimburses you up to $32,200 per W2 you kept on payroll during the pandemic. This is your last chance to claim your money: https://claim-erc.net
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France, CENTRE, Blois, 41000, 9 Avenue De L’amandier
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Are you interested in investing in Crypto Currency? Would you like coaching in the best crypto to invest in? Want to invest now and earn HUGE returns in the near future? If so, please email me and I will get you connected with a specialized Crypto Currency coach. Please be prepared to invest a minimum of $15,000, ($10k+ investment & $5k coaching). Once your appointment is scheduled, please make sure to attend your virtual appointment. Crypto is sure to sky rocket with AMAZING returns. We are looking forward to connecting with you soon! Kristi.cryptocurrency@gmail.com
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Hi http://cakrawalaide.com/fekal0911 Admin
Hi cakrawalaide.com,
I would like to discuss SEO!
I hope this email finds you well. We can put your website on 1st page of Google to drive relevant traffic to your site it can help your business expand its reach, acquire more customers, and boost revenue. Let us know if you would be interested in getting detailed proposal. We can also schedule a call & will be pleased to explain our services in detail.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Bests Regards,
Lisa Maree
Sr SEO consultant
Ph. No: 1-804-715-1479
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Don’t let your story go unnoticed. Transform your ideas into powerful press releases that amplify your brand. Reach out to diginewpr@gmail.com for details.
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Dear cakrawalaide.com Webmaster
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Don’t let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success!
Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply “yes” to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.
Best regards,
Norway, NA, Nesoya, 1397, Velhusveien 167
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Hi there
Looking to improve your posture and live a healthier life? Our Medico Postura™ Body Posture Corrector is here to help!
Experience instant posture improvement with Medico Postura™. This easy-to-use device can be worn anywhere, anytime – at home, work, or even while you sleep.
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Hi cakrawalaide.com Owner
Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings!
Boost your business visibility with our “Google Maps Ranking” service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition.
Don’t let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success!
Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply “yes” to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.
Best regards,
Canada, BC, New Westminster, V3l 3c1, 4072 Sixth Street
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Dear cakrawalaide.com Owner
Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings!
Boost your business visibility with our “Google Maps Ranking” service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition.
Don’t let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success!
Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply “yes” to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.
Best regards,
Italy, VA, Caravate, 21032, Via Corio 109
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To the cakrawalaide.com Owner
Are you ready to take control of your Google Maps Rankings and boost your business visibility?
Would you like to learn more about our “Google Maps Ranking” service and how it can help you secure a top spot in local search results, attract more customers, and stand out from the competition?
Let us know, and we’ll share all the details with you!
Reply to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.
Best regards,
Linette Arroyo
Great Britain, NA, Clashindarroch, Ab54 3bp, 41 Gloucester Road
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